01 Mar Bidder # 70: The Trial of Tim DeChristopher
On February 28, 2011 I photographed a protest in support of Tim DeChristopher, also known as Bidder # 70. Among the dignitaries in attendance, were Peter Yarrow, of Peter Paul and Mary, and celebrity Darryl Hannah. The protest was held in downtown Salt Lake City outside the Federal Courthouse. This trial has attracted an international audience, and numerous federal police officers as well as bomb-sniffing dogs were on hand to keep the peace.
Tim DeChristopher is facing ten years in prison on two felony charges for derailing an illegal sale of public land from the outgoing Bush administration to private oil and gas developers. The government is embarrassed by this very public trial, but Tim has refused any kind of plea bargain as he thinks “a jury of his peers should decide if he was justified in defying an unjust system that is dooming us to an unliveable future.”
For more information about his trial and how you can help, please visit www.peacefuluprising.org.
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